Breaking News

Google Sues Consumer Financial Protection Bureau After Agency Puts It Under…

Samantha Delouya,

Google sued the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau on Friday, challenging the agency’s decision to place Google’s payment division under federal supervision. In a copy of the lawsuit provided by Google, the company said the CFPB’s supervision would be a “burdensome form of regulation” imposed based on a “small number of...


The Bottom Line

Product Spotlight

CSS Product Spotlight

Henry Gardner

CSS, Inc., a leading provider of enterprise class accounts receivable management and financial software offers a broad portfolio of platforms & solutions. CSS enables companies to transition their legacy revenue & payment management systems to a modern, cognitive, centralized, cloud-based Financial Ecosystem®. CSS may be utilized to provide business financial...


Skip Tracing Advisor

Developing a Network of Closed Sources by Ron Brown, Skip Tr…

Ron Brown

As we begin this article it is very important that the professional tracer clearly understand what constitutes a “CLOSED SOURCE”, the value of a closed source network and the obligation due to each closed source. Definition: CLOSED SOURCE… sources of information with restricted access and information available only through mutual information...


Collection Software Roundtables

Shielding Collectors From TCPA and FDCPA Violations

Joshua Fluegel

The demands of regulators lead collection professionals to collect debt with the credo of “as little contact with the consumer as possible.” Every eliminated encounter with a consumer while the payment is still being collected is one less chance for a TCPA or FDCPA violation. For this reason many accounts...


Feature Stories

Hunstein on Rehearing – Revisiting Article III Standing in…

Eve Cann and Jonathan Green

On April 21, 2021, the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued its decision in Richard Hunstein v. Preferred Collection and Management Services, Inc., and potentially created a new claim under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) – ruling that a debt collector's sharing of information with a vendor is a violation...


Collection Agency Advisor

The Secret to Excelling in Profit AND Performance

Gordon C. Beck III

To each their own. That’s what I keep telling myself when discussing with my competitors what their strategy is to run and operate a successful collection agency. Everyone’s outlook is different, but the same. Sure, everyone wants to be a top agency, that’s what everyone is supposed to say. But...


Legal Collection Advisor

Executive Orders Impacting Collections

Michael Starzec

No, this is not a review of the 1996 thriller starring Kurt Russell, Halle Berry and Steven Seagal but it does focus on the prestige of the word “Executive.”   At hotels and sports arenas, you want the executive suite. In Illinois, at least a 1,000 corporations integrate “executive” into their...


Collection Industry Advisor

3 Options to Offer During Tax Season

Nick Jarman

When it comes to collecting debt, tax season is without argument the most profitable season of the year. Tax season starts at the beginning of February and wraps up in early May. February generally sees the highest return and slightly tapers off each month thereafter. One issue that can ease...


Compliance Advisor

PCI Compliance, SOC, and HITRUST

Debra J. Ciskey

With the June, 2019, disclosure of a data breach at AMCA looming large in the rearview mirror, debt collectors both large and small are scrambling to verify the security of their consumer portals and their consumer information in general. With numerous vendors and auditors serving the industry in this key...



By Henry Gardner

VeriFacts is a leader in employment verification for the financial industry. They specialize in identifying employment and validating that information to ensure accuracy in the data provided to clients.

Their employment verification programs cater to the unique industry they serve providing: Daily Delivered Results, National Coverage, Risk Free Pricing, Customized File Formatting and an Accuracy Money Back Guarantee. 

With these features included in their employment verification programs, clients are able to trust they are getting the best services in the business. Verifacts hold themselves to a high standard with the quality of their product and the quality of their culture. They believe in making a tangible impact on their community and back it up through their actions. They donate time, money and resources to a number of charitable organizations in their community.

This dedication to impacting their community hasn’t stopped because of COVID as they are aware of the challenges posed by the pandemic. This has led the company to volunteering at local food banks in order to help those in need. Stephanie Clark, the Chief Executive Officer of VeriFacts said “We have all felt the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and our team knows how important it is to give back to our community, especially in times of crisis.”

VeriFacts has served the financial industry for more than three decades. Their team is built in the Sterling, IL area providing high quality career opportunities to the local community.

Verifacts couples a valuable product with a terrific team. They give their best to provide the best to their clients and seek to help their clients' business perform better. To learn more about Verifacts visit their website here.

Henry Gardner is editor for Receivables Advisor magazine.